赵琳,女,博士,副教授,2017年毕业于南京大学地理与海洋科学学院,获理学博士学位,德国柏林自由大学访问学者。主要研究方向为孢粉学与古气候变化,主要开展晚新生代以来的古气候定量重建。近年来主持了国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家自然科学基金青年项目、2018年江苏省创新博士人才项目等多项,参与了国家自然科学基金的重大项目、国际合作与交流项目、重点项目、面上项目及国家社会科学基金重大项目等多项科研项目。在Catena、Global and Planetary Chang、Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, Vegetation History and Archaeobotany及第四纪研究等国内外学术期刊上发表数篇相关学术论文。
2014/09~2017/09 南京大学地理与海洋科学学院 自然地理学 理学博士
2011/09~2014/06 南京大学地理与海洋科学学院 自然地理学 理学硕士
2007/09~2011/06 曲阜师范大学地理与旅游学院 地理科学 理学学士
2023~现在 永利yl6776官网 永利yl6776 副教授
2022 永利yl6776官网 永利yl6776 讲师
2020~2021 南京信息工程大学 永利yl6776 讲师
2017~2020 南京大学 地理与海洋科学学院 助理研究员
2016~2017 德国柏林自由大学(Freie Universität Berlin, Germany) 地质系 访问学者
3.国家社会科学基金(重大项目),长江下游社会复杂化及中原化进程研究, 2020.01-2023.12,项目号20&ZD247,参与。
1.Lin Zhao, Chunmei Ma*, Qinmian Xu*, Yunkai Deng, Guangchun Shang, Lingyu Tang. Vegetation evolution in response to climate change and rapid sea-level rise during 8.2–7.0 cal ka BP: pollen evidence from the northwest coast of Bohai Bay, North China.Catena, 2021, 196, 104869 (SCI一区top).
2.LinZhao, Chunmei Ma*, Zhenming Wen, Wei Ye, Lingyu Tang. Vegetation dynamics response to Holocene climate change derived from multi-proxy records obtained from Wangdongyang peat bog in Southeast China.VegetationHistoryandArchaeobotany, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00334-021-00852-z (SCI二区).
3.LinZhao, Huayu Lu*, Hanlin Wang, Michael Meadows, Chunmei Ma, Lingyu Tang, Fang Lei, Hongyan Zhang. Vegetation dynamics in response to evolution of Asian Monsoon in a warm world: pollen evidence from Weihe Basin, central China.GlobalandPlanetaryChange, 2020, 193, 103269 (SCI二区).
4.LinZhao, Chunmei Ma*, Christian Leipe, Tengwen Long, Kam-biu Liu, Huayu Lu, Lingyu Tang, Yu Zhang, Mayke Wagner, Pavel E. Tarasov*, Holocene vegetation dynamics in response to climate change and human activities derived from pollen and charcoal records from southeastern China,Palaeogeography,Palaeoclimatology,Palaeoecology, 2017, 485, 644-660 (SCI二区top).
5.LinZhao, Chunmei Ma*, Lingyu Tang, Kam-biu Liu, Limi Mao, Yu Zhang, Huayu Lu, Shuangye Wu, Qingyun Tu, Investigation of peat sediments from Daiyun Mountain in southeast China: late Holocene vegetation, climate and human impact,VegetationHistoryandArchaeobotany, 2016, 25, 359-373 ( SCI二区).
6.赵琳,鹿化煜*,唐领余.渭河盆地新生代孢粉组合与植被演化特征.第四纪研究, 2018, 38(5), 1083-1093 .
7.赵琳,马春梅*,林留根,朱诚,方伊曼,张愈.江苏连云港藤花落遗址孢粉记录研究,第四纪研究, 2014, 34(1), 16-26 .
8.赵琳,马春梅*,林留根,朱诚,田晓四,黄铿,周鑫.苏北梁王城遗址地层记录的环境演变与人类活动,地层学杂志, 2014, 38(1), 33-41 .
9.赵琳,马春梅*,张广胜,朱诚,王吉怀,朱光耀.安徽蚌埠禹会村遗址地层的孢粉记录研究,微体古生物学报, 2013, 30(4), 405-414 .
1. Hanlin Wang, Huayu Lu*,LinZhao, Hongyan Zhang, Fang Lei, Yichao Wang. Asian monsoon rainfall variation during the Pliocene forced by global temperature change.NatureCommunications. 2019, 10, 5272.
2. Anning Cui, Chunmei Ma*,LinZhao, Lingyu Tang, Yulian Jia. Pollen records of the Little Ice Age humidity flip in the middle Yangtze River catchment.QuaternaryScienceReviews, 2018, 193, 43-53.
3. Chunmei Ma*, Li Wu*,LinZhao, Yu Zhang, Yunkai Deng, Zhen Xu. Holocene climate changes inferred from peat humification: A case study from the Daiyun Mountains, Southeast China.QuaternaryInternational, 2021, 599–600, 15-23.
4. Yunkai Deng, Chunmei Ma*,Ming Huang,Lin Zhao, Guangchun Shang, Lingyu Tang, Huayu Lu.2022.Vegetation and climate changes since the Last Glacial Maximum inferred from high-resolution pollen records from the southwest margin of the Sichuan Basin, Southwest China.Palaeogeography,Palaeoclimatology,Palaeoecology. 2022,In press.
5 . Kexin Wang, Huayu Lu*, Carmala N. Garzione,LinZhao, Chenghong Liang, Shuyue Li, Daniel O. Breecker, Fang Lei, Hongyan Zhang, Enhanced soil respiration, vegetation and monsoon precipitation at Lantian, East Asia during Pliocene warmth.ClimateDynamics. 2022, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-022-06243-y.
6. Zhiguo Rao*, Yiping Tian, Kaiyue Guang, Shikai Wei, Haichun Guo, Zixian Feng,Lin Zhaoand Yunxia Li*. Pollen data as a temperature indicator in the late Holocene: a review of results on regional, continental and global Scales.Frontiers in EarthScience, 2022, doi: 10.3389/feart.2022.845650.
7. Bingling Wang, Xianyan Wang*, Shuangwen Yi,LinZhao, Huayu Lu. Responses of fluvial terrace formation to monsoon climate changes in the north-eastern Tibetan Plateau: Evidence from pollen and sedimentary redords.PalaeogeographyPalaeoclimatologyPalaeoecology, 2021, 564(2), 110196.
8. Zhenhui Huang, Chunmei Ma*, Shyh‐Jeng Chyi, Lingyu Tang,LinZhao. Paleofire, vegetation, and climate reconstructions of the middle to late Holocene from lacustrine sediments of the Toushe basin, Taiwan.GeophysicalResearchLetters, 2020, e2020GL090401.
9. Jue Sun, Chunmei Ma*, Xianyong Cao, Yongtao Zhao, Yunkai Deng,LinZhao, Cheng Zhu. Quantitative precipitation reconstruction in the east-central monsoonal China since the late glacial period.QuaternaryInternational. 2019, 521, 175-184.
10.鹿化煜*,张瀚之,王逸超,赵琳,王翰林,孙文峰,张红艳.渭河盆地新生代沉积序列与亚洲季风气候起源演化.第四纪研究,2018, 38(5), 1057-106 .
11.马春梅*,王冰翎,刘泽雨,赵琳,胡竹君,孙国平,杨青,周友胜,郑洪波.浙江田螺山遗址区孢粉学记录的中全新世植被、环境和人类活动初步研究.第四纪研究,2018, 38(5), 1304-1312 .
12.邓云凯,李亮,马春梅*,赵琳,崔安宁,周斌.江西玉华山泥炭2000 a BP以来的元素地球化学记录及其气候意义.地层学杂志, 2019, 43(4), 352-363 .
13.黄壬晖,侯书贵*,马春梅,刘科,于金海,张王滨,赵琳,庞洪喜,宋靖.雪冰孢粉记录研究进展.地球科学与环境学报, 2019, 41(03), 114-130 .
14.黄振辉,马春梅*,齐士峥,赵琳.台湾头社盆地湖沼相沉积孢粉记录的6.2-1.3 ka BP以来气候研究.高校地质学报, 2020, 26 (5), 592-600 .
15.尚广春,李亮,马春梅*,弋双文,赵琳.赣中玉华山泥炭地沉积来源的粒度端元法分析与2000aBP以来气候环境重建.海洋地质与第四纪地质,2019, 40(2), 165-173.
2018/10 江苏省双创博士(世界名校类创新人才计划)
2018/10 科技部创新人才计划重点领域创新团队(团队成员)
2017/05 南京大学优秀毕业生(博士)
2016/12 南京大学博士二等英才奖学金
2014/01 南京大学优秀研究生(硕士)
2013/12 南京大学研究生优秀奖学金
2013/06 南京大学优秀员工干部
2013/05 第六届在宁高校地理学论坛优秀论文三等奖
2013/04 南京大学社会工作奖
2012/05 南京大学优秀团员
2010/08 山东莱芜远程教育优秀志愿者
2010/11 曲阜师范大学优秀团员
2007-2010 曲阜师范大学历年学习奖学金